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Horseback Yoga


About Horseback Yoga Workshops

”At first glance, yoga on horseback may seem like an unlikely merging of opposites. However, we see that the core precepts of yoga—awareness, breathwork, balance, presence, union—are the very qualities that make an equine-rider partnership truly exceptional.  Horseback riding, when approached with these embodied yogic qualities, has the potential to enhance connection, self awareness, personal growth and can bestow some of the greatest gifts we humans can ask for.”

—Jessie Tierney, Horseback Yoga instructor


  • Workshops will be held at your barn.

  • Minimum 3 participants; max 8.

  • Participants meet for a one-hour yoga class (the horses stand nearby at first), moving through basic yoga postures, enhancing interoceptive awareness, improving self-regulation through breath and movement. 

  • Next, horses and riders meet in the arena with the horse haltered or bridled (no saddles). We begin on the ground next to our horses, exploring the language we use to communicate with our horses, then establishing a connection through breath and heart coherence. Then, we move into some connection exercises and gentle stretching of our equine partners, with an emphasis on proper body mechanics for both horse and human.  Stretching alongside our horses, we practice bringing the connection we made with our physical body to our connection with our horse.

  • Once we have established a foundation, we’ll mount up and continue to breathe deeply and practice yoga on horseback for one hour.

  • No previous yoga experience necessary; horse and rider must be comfortable at the walk and trot bareback; ideally participants are comfortable enough bareback at a faster pace, though we will not be cantering / loping during the workshop (mounting stool to be provided by the workshop site).


  • Standard Horseback Yoga Workshop is 3 Hours

  • $250 per horse-rider pair; a horse handler partner ($15 to participate) is strongly recommended but not required 

  • $15 per person to audit 

  • $50 travel fee if more than 15 miles from Boulder CO 

    • Please note that Workshops can be customized to fit your requests and needs​ of participants.  We have modified the structure for birthdays and celebrations.

    • Please also understand that the Wisdom of the Horse ultimately guides the experience; please come free from expectations and with an openness to whatever unfolds for the best experience!

Blue Dots

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Contact Dr. Jessie today to schedule an appointment, or if you have questions.

Resonant Equus Colorado Horseback Yoga Therapy

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Resonant Frequency Medicine

702 10th Avenue

Longmont, Colorado 80501

Ph: (720) 340-8339

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