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Khao Sok Thailand ::: Water Activation

Writer's picture: ResonantEquusResonantEquus

This water is an activation. Climb onto the boat, push off from the shore and it starts. As if the womb of the earth blossomed open, the invitation is to lean back, sink deeply in, become enveloped into a new bandwidth of aliveness you never realized was missing. Feel the subtle shifting in the cells of the feet, the legs, the pelvis.

The base, abdominal centers begin next, churning slowly with the waves, round and around at half-speed, then slowly up the spine, activating this energetic twitch where the flow gets stuck sometimes; let it go now.

A slow-vibrational wave undulates up from below and explodes out through an enormous grin that won't release for the entire duration of this 40-minute ride and maybe not for days. Who are these people, snapping photos, touching the water, gazing up at the vertical karst and limestone peaks, hair blowing in the wind? How could this experience possibly get more expansive than this, hearts on the verge of bursting?

A bird's shadow across the waters, look up: the luminous sky, cloud-paintings, lush mountains tower above, floating past in majestic slow motion. The greens of the water are impossible hues, changing, reflecting. A fish's silver scales glisten in the sun and its tail splits the water's surface. The pulsation of the Earth Mother, a feminine love so soft and all-encompassing it might drown me and you and everyone else on this planet and we'd all be fine with it, drinking it in, collapsing in bliss to be absorbed into the soft, sweet energies of creation.

Breathe in, all the way, taking this moist clean air deep down into the belly, pelvis, and hold it in a very long time, charge building - how do I know to do this? - inviting the encryption into body cells, blood and brain fluids absorbing this organic information, integrating this place, energized alive. Exhale and the heart does explode, into an exponential version of what it was, beyond the body, beyond the boat, beyond the waters; I wonder if the others on this vessel felt that expansion when it hit their fields? Another breath, another activation. Tears. Rocked and rocked by waves, by life. Take off the sunglasses and close your eyes so you can really see what's happening.

Opening, eyes meet another's: Can you feel this too?

Is it possible to encompass all of this when I'm being absorbed by the all of everything? Overwhelmed in the gentlest of ways, can this please never end ...

© Jessie Tierney 2024


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